2025 Pennsylvania's OST Conference, ELO and EMPOWER, February 26-28, Harrisburg

Strengthening OST Professionals with Promising Practices and Proven Strategies

2025 Extra Learning Opportunities and EMPOWER Pennsylvania Out-of-School Time Conference, Strengthening OST Professionals with Promising Practices and Proven Strategies, is a unique opportunity for out-of-school time professionals to deepen their knowledge, network, and stay up to date with best practices and innovative solutions in their field.

This year, we are bringing together the best of both conferences to create a comprehensive and enriching experience for administrators, educators, program staff, industry partners and other professionals passionate about enriching their students’ lives through OST programming.

The conference is sponsored by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Pennsylvania Statewide Afterschool/Youth Development Network (PSADYN) and Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, and held in collaboration with Center for Schools and Communities.